
Quick guide

Wafer components extend the Wafer class (which itself extends HTMLElement), and are defined by a template string, a props object, and an events object.


The template of a Wafer component is a simple static string which will get parsed to DOM elements and attached to the Shadow DOM:

class MyExample extends Wafer {
// will be attached to the Shadow DOM
static get template() {
return `
<span id="count"></span>
<button id="dec">-</button>
<button id="inc">+</button>

Read more about Wafer templates including how to render to the Light DOM instead of the Shadow DOM.


Properties of a Wafer component are expressed as a static object describing the property type, attribute relationship and initial value, keyed by the property name:

class MyExample extends Wafer {
static get template() {
return `
<span id="count"></span>
<button id="dec">-</button>
<button id="inc">+</button>

static get props() {
return {
count: {
// optional type (used for attribute serialisation)
type: Number,
// optionally reflect the property value to the attribute value
reflect: true,
// optionally define an initial property value
initial: 10,

Updates to properties on an instance of a Wafer component will trigger updates to be made to the template based on property targets. Updates triggered by property changes are batched during the current event loop for efficient re-rendering.

In contrast to many other component libraries, updates to the template are not handled using a templating abstraction. Instead each property can be associated with an array of targets, with each target defined by a standard CSS selector and a series of updates that should be made to matches for that selector in the template:

class MyExample extends Wafer {
static get template() {
return `
<span id="count"></span>
<button id="dec">-</button>
<button id="inc">+</button>

static get props() {
return {
count: {
type: Number,
reflect: true,
initial: 10,
targets: [
// this will target all elements matching #count in the template
// in this case the <span id="count"></span> element
// ($ indicates matched in the Shadow DOM)
selector: "$#count",

// this will update the `textContent` of the matching element(s)
// to the value of `count`
text: true,

// this will set a `total` property on the matching element(s)
// to the value of `count`
property: "total",

// this will set a `total` attribute on the matching element(s)
// to the value of `count`
attribute: "total",

Read more about Wafer properties, including how to initialise property values with attributes, how to use computed values for updates, how to indicate related properties, how to indicate a property change should not trigger an update and how to perform more complex DOM manipulations.


Similarly to properties, events are bound to a Wafer component using CSS selectors and the event name:

class MyExample extends Wafer {
static get template() {
return `
<span id="count"></span>
<button id="dec">-</button>
<button id="inc">+</button>

static get props() {
/* ... */

get events() {
// by default, events are automatically bound to the component itself
return {
"$#dec": {
click: () => this.count--,
"$#inc": {
click: () => this.count++,

Read more about Wafer events, including how to bind to other elements, and how to pass other options to the event handlers.

Next: Example Previous: Installation