Take a target DOM element and a selector to apply to that element and run a function on every match
target DOM element
CSS3 selector
function to run on all matches
Bind an event listener to a series of CSS selector matches in a DOM node
the element then listener should be attached to (unless overidden by specifying a different target in def
the selector whose matches in el
this event listener should be added
the name of the event whose listener is being added
the listener being added, or a TargetEvent
Helper function for emitting DOM events
the element from which the event should be dispatched
the event name
Utility to efficiently repeat and update a series of Elements into a container, taking in an html template from which the element will be stamped out, and a series of items and targets used to create and/or update elements
Stamp out an element from a string template
The string template
Generated using TypeDoc
Helpers for rendering in WaferClient